2024 District School of Instruction

Saturday, August 3, 2024 - 8:00am   to   3:30pm


Brethren, our School of Instruction will be led by RWB Earl Genter at Wathena lodge #64.  Schedule as follows:

0800 : Registration will start 

0800-0900 : Breakfast and fellowship 

0900 - ~1530 : School of Instruction

Please click on RSVP to provide a count for breakfast meals.

District School of instruction on 3 August 2024 from 0830-1600 at Wathena Lodge #64 at 404 N 4TH Street, Wathena, KS 66090

Hancock Lodge #311 is responsible to open lodge in the third degree.

All elected and appointed officers are required to attend to achieve 100% participation.  If you cannot attend please notify WM Jeremy J. James to attend an alternate location and date.

All Master Masons are invited to attend



404 N 4TH Street, Wathena, KS 66090